Lorne Abells is living proof that age is just a number!
Lorne has kept himself in great shape for a number of years. Despite being a partner in a busy law firm, he has MADE time to prioritize his health and well-being. Then in October 2014, at the age of 62, Lorne took things a step further and hit the ABBA Muscle Beach stage in the men’s physique category as a Team Impact Athlete. Bringing excellent condition for ANY age, let alone someone in their 60’s!
Since his competition, Lorne has continued to consult with Impact Nutrition periodically, updating his nutrition protocols, and periodically engaging in personal training at our facility. While the rest of the time continuing to apply what he has learned from us on his own.
Lorne recently came for a refresh on his nutrition protocol, and sent in the pictures on the right just after his 64th birthday. He is STILL in amazing shape, and lives a healthy, fit lifestyle year round. Not just for a one-time competition, but for EVERYDAY LIFE and HEALTH.
Lorne is most definitely an inspiration, and is living proof that despite being busy, in a very stressful profession, that you can take control of your life and health. He shows that it is a choice whether you let your physique, and more importantly your health, decline or not.
Great job Lorne! Keep inspiring others!!