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Success Stories
PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT WHAT IS HERE & CHECK BACK FOR MORE AMAZING CLIENT SUCCESS STORIES! Thank you for your patience as we get it updated with our amazing… Continue reading
IFBB PRO and #Fitmom Natalie Mack
Team Impact Athlete (and mother of 2) Natalie Mack won her IFBB Pro Card in the bikini category on April 27, 2013, at the IFBB World Qualifier in Winnipeg, MB,… Continue reading
Ashley Law’s Incredible Transformation and Journey to Becoming a #fitmom
Ashley Law’s transformation is nothing short of incredible. She hopes her story will INSPIRE others! My transformation story so far… Throughout my life I have had many struggles and obstacles… Continue reading
Cancer Survivor Arlene Bedster
We want to give a shout out to Impact Nutrition personal training client and recent cancer survivor Arlene Bedster! About a year and a half ago Arlene was attending personal… Continue reading
Graham Konopski’s Amazing Transformation!
This transformation is AMAZING! Graham worked with Impact Nutrition on an online nutrition coaching program in October 2015. He then went forward on his own, consistently implementing what was taught… Continue reading
40-something #fitmom surpasses her goals
Check out the progress of this 40-something #fitmom! Her goals were to bring her body fat % down, and gain a little bit of muscle definition, along with a personal… Continue reading
Tracy Bartel – Battled and Fully Recovered from an Eating Disorder
This is an amazing transformation, one that is not only physically impressive, but even moreso mentally. Tracy suffered from an eating disorder, and through treatment, faith, determination, and seeing the… Continue reading
Ashley Cesar – From a Wheel Chair to being a #fitmom! Read this if you want to be inspired!
“Most of my life has been about rehabilitation… In 2004 I was in an accident that put me in a wheel chair for almost two years. I had to learn… Continue reading
Lorne Abells – Proving That Age Is Just A Number
Lorne Abells is living proof that age is just a number! Lorne has kept himself in great shape for a number of years. Despite being a partner in a busy… Continue reading
Cyndi Bester’s Inspiring Story
Cyndi Bester – Survivor, Business Woman, Concert Pianist (with a Master’s Degree in Music), and #Fitmom with an INSPIRING story… This is DEFINITELY worth reading! “This is a journey that… Continue reading